Welcome to Selflove Journey - your inspiration platform to connect more with your heart!

Do you want to shine your light and create a life as your authentic self?

This is the beginning of an exciting adventure, a journey that will lead you to discover and experience the connection with your heart.

If you are ready to commit to yourself and create an authentic and fulfilling life, then this is the place for you.

At Selflove Journey, you'll find the tools, support and inspiration you need to move forward on your path to self-love and authenticity.

So go ahead! Open your heart and be inspired.

I'm excited to have the opportunity to join you on this wonderful journey! Big hug, Kendra

Kendra Hasse, Heart Coach

My journey

About me

Hello, I'm Kendra, passionate about personal empowerment and founder of Selflove Journey.
Through my own experience, I have learned that by connecting with ourselves, we can find our authentic selves and have the courage to live a life shining our light and full of happiness.

One day in Colombia, while practicing mindfulness and gazing at the Caribbean Sea, I heard the voice of my heart saying to me: "You should lead retreats to teach heart connection". Thus began my adventure as a soulpreneur and traveler.

Today, as a certified NLP heart coach, I lead retreats, journaling and meditation sessions, cacao ceremonies, women circles, individual coaching sessions and group workshops, focusing on connecting to the heart. Soon conscious dances, as well. My goal is to empower people to live a life that embraces their potential and aligns with their authentic self.

If you are looking for a greater connection with yourself, I am here to help you on your journey of self-love and heart connection!

My definition of heart connection

What does it mean, what does it feel like?

For me, heart connection means connecting with oneself, listening to the heart and feeling deep happiness. It is such a wonderful feeling that supports us in gaining the self-love and self-confidence to shine in our authentic light.

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Connect with yourself

Listening to the heart, having an inner dialogue with our inner voices, knowing yourself and thus better understanding your own needs, behaviours and actions.

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Feel a tickling in your heart

This is the feeling of self-love for me: it is a light and pleasant pressure in the chest area. I feel it when I am connected with myself. The energy is vibrant in the heart area.

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Treat yourself with warmth

Accept yourself, smile inside and hug yourself. An important part of connection is taking care of yourself and being conscious with your thoughts about yourself, your life.

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Creator of one's own life

On the journey of connection, we gain more and more confidence and self-esteem. This allows us to be truly authentic and thus create the life we want, a life that is aligned with our soul’s vision.

Your journey

My services

I invite you to travel together and embark on your personal and individual journey of self-love. I would like to give you impulses. I accompany and support you to connect more and more with yourself, to smile from within and to experience the magic of the connection with your heart.




Kendra  Hasse, Heart coach


“My 1 hour session with Kendra was enlightening, inspiring and profound. She made me comfortable since the beginning, always showing a deep empathy to what I was sharing. She practically giving me advice, and helped me to listen to myself, to talk with some parts of myself which I often tend to hide. I am looking forward to have a new session and continue this selflove journey”

- Rita

“Kendra tiene una manera increíblemente apreciativa, lo que hizo que fuera totalmente fácil para mí confiar en ella y abrirme. Me hizo darme cuenta de que una parte de mí controlaba demasiado mi vida. Hasta el coaching con Kendra, pensaba que hacía tiempo que había dejado eso atrás. Desde nuestro coaching, he sido capaz de dejar esta parte de mí en su lugar de forma mucho más rápida y efectiva y ha perdido mucho de su poder. Agradezco a Kendra desde el fondo de mi corazón por esta experiencia y sólo puedo recomendarla a todos.”

- Katharina

Learn more about our retreat experiences

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WhatsApp: Do you have a question, want to consult a service or a collaboration?